Today we have the pleasure of hearing from my friend and classmate, Brandon, who graciously shared his story of finding a Light in his Darkness. Brandon also runs his own blog, called Pieces of Life. Be sure to check it out!
Traveling through the dark makes the light much more blinding.
Maybe this was the light to pull you out of this dark time. Or maybe the light that came at the right time.
For me, the brightest light I have ever seen came from the most pain I’ve lived through.
In 2019, during the bliss time for me that was graduating high school, I ended up getting sick. At first, I thought this was just a normal summer cold which is annoying, at its worst. It caused me to miss a trip to Six Flags but I wasn’t too affected by that since rollercoasters are not my thing. The first day of being sick, Friday, actually ended up being pretty bad, to the point where I could not get up from bed. After a day of sweating in my bed, I thought the worst was over and I could be fine by the end of the weekend.
I was definitely proven wrong by my own body.
By the end of Saturday night, I started to feel my throat swell up and here’s where I thought I was getting a cold or a bad flu. By the end of that night, it started to hurt to swallow food, so I was already frustrated. Sunday, is when I thought it could not get any worse.
On Sunday, I had the pleasure of getting a fever while also having the worst throat pain ever. I started taking medicine and cough drops to survive the brutal battle between my body. After all the medicine I took, I thought to myself that it’ll all be over by the time I wake up.
Wrong! Yet again.
It turns out that I could not fall asleep more than 2 hours because of the pain. The pain in my throat was growing as time passed on. By family rule, we decided to go to the Urgent Care once it seemed like an emergency, especially since it has been getting worse. By Monday, my throat had gotten so bad I couldn’t eat, drink, or sleep anymore. Just sitting in bed hurt, or even standing up. The trip to see a doctor was almost a fever dream because I barely felt there.
The worst part was waiting after getting medicine from the doctor. Just waiting to see if it would work. After a night of waiting, rolling up into a ball and crying, it finally happened.
I lost all hope.
It was after this point where I ended up having to go to Emergency. It was the first time where I felt scared because of my own body. The first time where I’m at the Emergency wondering whether or not this is life threatening.
It was an abscess in the back of my throat.
The doctor telling me the reason for the pain was actually the best relief I’ve had during the whole situation. It just felt good to finally know when no one else knew. The worst part was definitely him trying to pop it with a stick the moment he saw me. That hurt more than I expected.
After this point, I spent a few days in the hospital getting medicine and getting checked up to see if the abscess was going down. For me, this point was a moment of hope where I thought all hope was lost. I survived the point where I thought would be the end.
This moment added more beauty to the world in my eyes.
I started realizing how every aspect of life is important and how much life means to me. I want to cherish every moment in my life, even the bad ones. They all add another piece to you, and you never know how long this puzzle will take.
It took the worst for me to be able to see my light but that light was always there. It was just one that I was refusing to acknowledge. Everyone has a light, it just might take a push to get there.
Keep pushing everyone!